219 77 77
07/03/2012 -
Innovative Product in wine production by AGL

Alliance Group Leasing (AGL) launches an innovative product, which includes the sale of wine production and bottling equipment through leasing. This product was fashioned within the joint project of Alliance Group Leasing and Alliance Group Food Trading. AGL actively collaborates with European wine-making equipment manufacturers. The product is designed to meet the financial needs of small-scale entrepreneur winemakers as well as household wine manufacturers.


In the future, AGL plans to expand the scale of this leasing product and finance small factories. During the first stage of the project, the test equipments will be imported and a showroom will be organized in the wine house. The initiative will encourage private entrepreneurs and simplify the process of wine production, which in turn will affect the development of the wine technology and will enable Georgian wine lovers to own a mini wine cellar of their own.